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Return of The College Student Diaries: Getting The Writing Right

After a long hiatus, and a request from an adoring fan- let’s be honest, “demand” is probably too strong a word- the young Jedi has finally returned! Now, all I have to do is come up with something interesting to say.  And therein lies the problem.  The blank page.  The Old Man keeps telling me that writers- that is what I’m supposed to be studying in college- write.  But to this young Jedi, writers should always write right, and the Force has not been with me.

While talking to the Old Man about what a word wright might write to get her mojo back, he suggested I peck out a blog about our business’s evolution, what it has meant to our family, and what it could mean to yours.  Right, I thought.  “Out with the old and in with the new, right?” I asked.  “Right,” he said.  “Then you want me to get right to the writing, right?” I asked.  “Unless you are sniffing around for your bank account’s last rites,” he said, “you’d better start writing, right now!”  “Right,” I sighed.  In case you can’t tell by this embellished dialogue, the sarcasm is strong with this one!  I wonder where she gets it from?- Ed.

Contemplating the Old Man and the writing prompt he suggested, I couldn’t see how he had evolved at all since I left for college. Granted his hair is longer and considerably whiter- think the hairstyle of Cecil B. DeMile’s Charlton Heston after he received the Ten Commandments, but with the looks of Heston's costar Roddy McDowall in Planet of the Apes- but other than that, he seems the same to me. Okay, maybe his wrinkles are beginning to rival a Shar Pei’s, and he has gained a few pounds. But considering the business, rather than his broken down self, I can see what he means when he says, if you're not evolving, you’re dying.

How Evolution Saved Our Family’s Life

When the Old Man WANTED extra cash in 2005, he started selling anything he could get his hands on; I really miss my beanie babies. But after a few bad experiences shipping glass, he quit selling completely. But when we NEEDED money because of family health issues, he started selling books, then other unbreakable items, and, finally, he started selling everything; let's face it, bills have to be paid. Believe me, my family knows from experience that sometimes you have to break a few business models to make a financial omelet. Our business evolution could save your family’s bank account too.

Change Can Be Good, Right?

Since last I wrote, a lot has changed. When I went to college, I was convinced I would be a theater kid. But now I see that that life just isn’t for me. I much prefer sitting on my bed, eating spicy chicken ramen on the Old Man’s dime, and tapping out blogs. I like introducing myself as a writer, and pointing out that I’ve been published on a small business website, and have several pieces published in a local magazine. As much as I hate to admit it, the Old Man is right, writers write. So, I’m going to prove to him that I, too, can evolve. I’ll just use the three R’s that I learned in high school: Reading, wRiting, and aRythmatic! Good to know that public education is paying off for you, Kid! Can you guess what she got in spelling?- Ed.

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